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gnome-session + .Xclients, stopped working


I'm running gnome-session and WindowMaker, I am trying to get
Gnome-session to load my '~/.Xclients' file. It did for a while but
after upgrading potato to the most recent potato it quite working. 

Here is what I did to get all of this working before. I've changed my 
'/etc/gdm/Sessions/Gnome' to include (line numbers added for clarity):

95: usrclients=$HOME/.Xclients

126: if haveoption allow-user-clients; then
127:   if [ -f $usrclients ]; then
128:     source $usrclients
129:   fi
130: fi

My '/etc/X11/Xsession.options looks like: 


Here is my '~/.Xclients':


echo "Beginning to load .Xclients" > ~/.xlog

xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults &
xrdb -merge ~/.Xauthority &

xhost +localhost &
xhost +mustang &

echo "Finished loading .Xclients" > ~/.xlog

Here is the permissions on it (I changed them to 777 just to see if that
helped, otherwise I wouldn't give anyone permission to execute something
of mine!): 

   1 -rwxrwxrwx    1 rbf      rbf           196 May 14 08:38 .Xclients

I am lost as to why it worked for a while then all of a suddent not.
There are no errors in any '~/.X*' or '~/.x*' files. 

When I add "exec" to the beginning of every command in my '~/.Xclients'
I cannot login. It ends up back at the gdm login screen. If I remove
them (as in the example above) I can log in but it doesn't execute the
commands. If I add "exec" to my '/etc/gdm/Sessions/Gnome' on line 128 it
also fails to login and I end up back at gdm. 

Any ideas? 


Email: <mailto:rbf@farrer.net>
Home:  <http://www.farrer.net/~rbf/>

Alpha Linux Organization: <http://www.alphalinux.org>
Bellingham Linux Users Group: <http://www.blug.org>

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