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Want to use module source to access file system

I have a trashed NTFS partition, and am hoping to repair it.  I
thought the NTFS module source would be a good place to start.  I
would prefer not to use it as a module, but just drive it from a
program.  I'm hoping to find where the damage is and see if any of the
backup copies (e.g., the mirror MFT) are any good.

I also though stepping through the program would be informative, but I
don't know how to do that for a module.

I looked at the appropriate sources, and noticed several things:
1) It's designed to work as a module; how to use it directly is not
immediately obvious since it's expecting various kernel inputs.  It
might also need to be privileged to run...

2) It can produce helpful output if compiled with DEBUG.

So I figured I'd just compile it, load it, and watch it fail.  But

3) It seems to need to be compiled as part of the full kernel in terms
of having the right environment variables set up.

I'd appreciate any pointers.  I'm trying to do this in the
kernel-package framework.  It has some modules targets, but it seems
to want to build them all, and it wants them in /usr/src/modules, even
though that's not where the kernel source naturally ends up.  I know I
could make a link, but I suspect more might be involved.

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