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Re: pon dial-up and xdm

On Sun, 07 May 2000, Daniel Burrows wrote:
> I am trying to allow dial-up access using pon but want to avoid 'su'ing
> to root everytime. Is there a way round this?
> Also, I want to avoid booting into a graphical login. Can someone tell
> me which parts of xdm I need to edit? I tried renaming it but it screwed
> up my system. Step-by-step please, I'm a beginner!
If you don't want to boot into a graphical login, the best thing to do is
probably not to start xdm at all :-) Most often, xdm is started by rc
scripts at boot time. See if your /etc/rcX.d (0<X<6) directories contain
links like SXxdm and delete them (1<X<100), but don't erase links like

Good Luck.
> Thanks.
> -- 
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