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Re: Signal 11?

many things can cause a sig11, look at this site for information on it and
how to track it down(usually hardware)



On Fri, 21 Apr 2000, Colin Boyd wrote:

colin_ >Hello...
colin_ >
colin_ >I wrote in the other day detailing the overwhelming amount of erradic 
colin_ >behaviour my new system (K62-550,128MB,16M Vid)
colin_ >
colin_ >I have a tyan trinity AGP motherboard.
colin_ >
colin_ >I've finally got the network card working....and the systems general 
colin_ >stability seems ok...(admittedly I haven't done much...browsed the web and 
colin_ >such...) But it still won't let me compile the kernel without crashing. In 
colin_ >my message the other day I said that everytime I tried it would bomb with a 
colin_ >signal 6....at a diffrent place each time. Counting the rest of the general 
colin_ >system instability I decided to follow some advice and run a comprehensive 
colin_ >memory test....and it passed.
colin_ >
colin_ >So now I'm wondering if anyone else could share a few ideas as to problems. 
colin_ >All my peripherals work (which is very few) and there are no IRQ conflicts. 
colin_ >The memory test (as I said before) passed, and the HD is brand new, fresh 
colin_ >out of the box. Here's the detailed list of parts...in case anyone can pick 
colin_ >out a known-to-be-a-bitch part.
colin_ >
colin_ >Tyan Trinity AGP Motherboard w/ AMD K6-2 550Mz
colin_ >Diamond Stealth SG540 16M video.
colin_ >128M SDRAM (1 new 64M, and 1 old - both 100mhz - both passed memtest86)
colin_ >10GB Maxtor HD
colin_ >Kingston EtherX KNE100TX 10/100
colin_ >
colin_ >I am running Debian 2.2 - I know it's frozen and not stable, but I couldn't 
colin_ >make the kernel compile when I installed a fresh slink either...and potato 
colin_ >is just so much more trick!
colin_ >
colin_ >And here is what I get when the kernel compile dies.
colin_ >
colin_ >---begin-----
colin_ >
colin_ >gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux/include -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 
colin_ >-fomit-f
colin_ >rame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fno-strength-reduce -m486 
colin_ >-malign-loops
colin_ >=2 -malign-jumps=2 -malign-functions=2 -DCPU=586   -c -o devinet.o devinet.c
colin_ >cpp: output pipe has been closed
colin_ >{standard input}: Assembler messages:
colin_ >{standard input}:0: Warning: end of file not at end of a line; newline 
colin_ >inserted
colin_ >{standard input}:277: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `xor'
colin_ >gcc: Internal compiler error: program cc1 got fatal signal 11
colin_ >make[4]: *** [devinet.o] Error 1
colin_ >make[4]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/net/ipv4'
colin_ >make[3]: *** [first_rule] Error 2
colin_ >make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/net/ipv4'
colin_ >make[2]: *** [_subdir_ipv4] Error 2
colin_ >make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/net'
colin_ >make[1]: *** [_dir_net] Error 2
colin_ >make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux'
colin_ >make: *** [stamp-build] Error 2
colin_ >egypt3:/usr/src/linux#
colin_ >
colin_ >----end------
colin_ >
colin_ >Yes...it does look like the assembler loses track of an op code in memory 
colin_ >and can't find it again....this would lead me to think it was a memory 
colin_ >problem if memtest86 wasn't so adament that it was OK.
colin_ >
colin_ >Note that while it died working on compiling ipv4 *this* time....it also 
colin_ >shows signs of being a memory error by dying at a diffrent point almost 
colin_ >every time...
colin_ >
colin_ >So my question is....is there anything that can be wrong...that would appear 
colin_ >to be a memory error....when there really isn't a memory error? Or basically 
colin_ >can anyone give me any new thoughts on the issue at all?
colin_ >
colin_ >Thanks....
colin_ >
colin_ >-Colin
colin_ >
colin_ >________________________________________________________________________
colin_ >Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com
colin_ >
colin_ >
colin_ >-- 
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colin_ >

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