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Re: rebooting as user

"C. Falconer" wrote:
> Lateral thinking solutions
> 1)      Buy her a new machine
> 2)      Buy yourself a new machine and give her your current one
> 3)      Become Amish so you don't need a computer :)
> ----------
> From:   Mullins, Ron[SMTP:rmullins@DigiTerra-Inc.com]
> Why is this critical? I have a wife. I have a wife who likes Windows. I have
> a wife who likes the "Shutdown the computer", as opposed to my telling her,
> "Ok dear, first we open an xterm. Then you have to su to root...and here's
> the password. Now type in...."

#2 was the solution to the "Wife thingy Problem" for me.

The added bonus is she is more willing to agree to my upgrades because
this ussually means she will gets an upgrade.

ME:  "Honey, if I upgrade my video card, then you can have my old one
which has 8 times more memory than your current one."

WIFE:  "Okay, sweetie.  Why don't you get yourself a cd writer while
you're at it?  Then you can make me some custom music cds."

Boy, this is working great!!!

John :)

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