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Re: sslwrap: how do I use it?

> I have installed sslwrap, but I don't understand how do I actually _use_
> it. I want to encrypt a [ftp,pop,etc...] connection between my computer
> and a remote machine. The remote machine has sslwrap installed too. What
> client do I use to connect, say, to the remote pop3 server, but with
> encription?

not a direct answer to your question (cause i have never used sslwrap) but
here are a couple other options.  i use ssh to wrap my sessions.  with a
command like this:

# ssh -C -f -L 1100:pophost:110 sshhost

you setup a pop tunnel.  pop host is the host you pop your mail off of, and
ssh host is the closest host to it that you have an ssh account on (they can
be the same but they aren't always).  i use this in fetchmail with the below
config but just set whatever your pop client is to pop mail from localhost
on port 1100.

heyzeus(larry)$ cat .fetchmailrc 
set daemon 60
poll localhost port 1100 protocol pop3 uidl 
  username larry password MyPass
  mda "/usr/bin/procmail -d larry"
  preconnect "ssh -C -f -L 1100:mail:110 calvino 'sleep 9'"

you can do a similar thing with ftp with a line like this, the only catch is
to remember that you have to put your ftp client into passive mode for it to
work (pretty much all ftp clients support this):

# ssh -C -f -L 2100:ftphost:110 sshhost

this is obviously a bit of a pain if you need to connect to a bunch of
different servers so what i started doing was using a program called hsftp
(you can find it on freshmeat).  it's cool, basically it's an ftp client
that doesn't really use ftp, it uses ssh/scp from an ftp like
interface.  unfortunately it's still pretty simple (doesn't support command
line history or directly caching like ncftp but i'm hoping it will improve).


heyzeus(larry)$ hsftp badger.alaska.net
Welcome to hsftp.
Current remote directory is </home/larry>
Current local  directory is </home/larry>
Use '?' or 'help' to get a list of commands.

hsftp> ?
 put         -- upload file(s)|directory(s) to remote host
 get         -- download file(s)|directory(s) from remote host
 mput, mget  -- same as 'put', 'get'

 dir, ls     -- list remote directory
 ldir        -- list local directory

 cd          -- change remote directory
 lcd         -- change local directory
 pwd         -- print working directories

 chmod       -- 'chmod' in remote directory
 mkdir       -- 'mkdir' in remote directory
 del, rm     -- 'rm'    in remote directory

 debug       -- be more verbose
 ?, help     -- this help message

 quit, bye   -- quit the program
hsftp> ls
bin                     etc                     mail                    

hsftp> ls -l
total 3                 drwxr-xr-x   2 root     staff        1024 Oct  8
1999 bin
drwxr-xr-x   2 larry    staff        1024 Mar  6 03:50 etc
drwx------   2 larry    staff        1024 Mar  5 14:04 mail



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