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Re: CVS question

On Mon, Apr 10, 2000 at 05:17:39PM -0400, Brian Lavender wrote:
> Here is how I backed up. I was on version 1.7, so I deleted the file I had. I then
> did a cvs checkout -r 1.6 which warned me that the current file had been deleted,
> but gave me 1.6.
> I made my changes, but now and can't seem to reintegrate them. Here is a what happens
> when I try to do a cvs commit
> brian@linux-dev:~/src/scripts> cvs commit tkcorrespond.pl
> cvs commit: sticky tag `1.6' for file `tkcorrespond.pl' is not a branch
> cvs [commit aborted]: correct above errors first!

I think you'll have to get rid of the sticky bit first.  I am attaching a
blurb (which I think I found originally on DejaNews) on how to do it
"correctly"; it worked for me, YMMV.

Maciej Kalisiak | <mac@dgp.toronto.edu> | http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/~mac [McQ]
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--- Begin Message ---
                                CVS Questions


[*] Help! How do I undo a cvs commit?

Oh no! You did cvs commit without specifying a filename, or maybe you messed
up cvs commit -m and forgot to put a comment. Either way, the system is
merrily checking in all your edited files in your favourite library before
you were ready to do so. There is a way to undo this, but be warned, it is
tedious if numerous files are involved; the idea is to merge the differences
between two revisions of a file into a working copy in your directory.

The remedy - please note that you need to be ABSOLUTELY sure you type the
commands correctly or you will merely compound the problem:

   * cvs update -j 1.5 -j 1.4 filename.C
   * cvs commit -m ``Undid previous commit'' filename.C

This removes all changes made between revision 1.4 and 1.5


  1. The order of the revisions!!! Highest number comes first.

  2. If you forget to specify a filename you will be in a worse mess than
     before - the revision numbers will probably be very different between
     the various files making up a module and if you don't tell it which
     file to work on, cvs will do the merge on EVERY file. Not pretty.
     Probably best to play it safe and do the files one by one (I warned you
     it was tedious).

  3. Remember to cvs commit your changes afterwards - carefully, this time!


     [Back]  Comments or errors, please let me know at



Val Snell

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