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Re: Voodoo3 at more than 8bpp?

At 05:37 PM 3/16/00 -0800, you wrote:
>>>>>> "Colin" == Colin Watson <cjw44@cam.ac.uk> writes:
>    Colin> I don't know if any of this helps, but let me know if
>Bruce sent me a similar email, there's nothing unusual in either of
>your configurations. Hmm.
>Could you both send me the output of 
>    cat /proc/cpuinfo /proc/interrupts
>off-list would probably be better.  I'm wondering if I need to enable


I'm looking at getting an Athlon system with a Voodoo 3500 in it soon. I'd
like to know if you come up with a solution.

Also would like to hear if anyone's had luck/trouble with that specific model?

Dr. Kenward Vaughan                       ':,^'````
Professor of Chemistry                    \;:/
Bakersfield College                       |,;|
Bakersfield, CA  93305                   / ', \
                                        / o  O \
kvaughan@bc.cc.ca.us                   (oOoOOoOo)

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