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Re: home network: will bo play with potato?

At 09:18 PM 3/14/00 -0600, rich wrote:

>I recently acquired a 486dx-33 with 1.4gb hard drive that i want to use
>as an x-terminal to connect to my pentium-200 (which runs potato). Is
>potato appropriate for a 486? I have an old cd of bo that I thought
>would work on the 486, but would I be able to connect to the potato

I'm sure it would work, but why use such an old version?  Potato should
run just fine on your 486.  I have a 486/25 (20 MB RAM/1.2 GB HD) here
running as my server/firewall/gateway.  It's runs just about everything
under the sun and even does file sharing for a couple of Windows machines...

 12:19am  up 37 days,  7:16,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00  

...and, as you can see, it's been running a little while. It's running
Slink and does a fine job.

>BTW, is it really even feasible to use a 486 to run X programs like
>wordperfect and Netscape off of my pentium?

Netscape will be okay if you have around 16 MB of RAM or more, but I would
rule out WordPerfect.  I ran it awhile back on this particular machine, but
it was so slow it was unusable.

Jeremy L. Gaddis      <jlgaddis@blueriver.net>

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