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User access to write vfat partition?

Hey gang,

I want to temporarily allocate some disk space I have spare on my /dev/hda1 partition (vfat)
and link it to a symbolic link in a users directory so he can upload files.  The setup
works fine if I create links for all the files manually, but if the directory is empty and he
logs in and tries to upload he gets permission denied, because apparently my /cdrive
mount point and the /dev/hda1 itself is set to user root group root.  These cannot (as far
as I have been able to figure out so far anyway) be modified with the normal chown/chgrp
commands, so I am at a loss as to how to give a regular user write permission via ftp
to this device.  The contents of my fstab are as follows:

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# <file system> <mount point> <type> <options>                  <dump> <pass>
/dev/hdb1       /             ext2   defaults,errors=remount-ro 0      1
/dev/hdb2       none          swap   sw                         0      0
proc            /proc         proc   defaults                   0      0
/dev/hdb3       /var          ext2   defaults                   0      2
/dev/hdb5       /home         ext2   defaults                   0      2
/dev/hdb6       /usr          ext2   defaults                   0      2
/dev/hda1       /cdrive       vfat   defaults                   0      2

In reading the mount man page I saw it was possible to allow users to mount and unmount
a device, but nothing about permissions for reading, writing etc depending on user group
or name.

Any suggestions would be most appreiciated,


Version: 3.12
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