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pdmenu refuses to start with the default config

Hi all,

I would like to use pdmenu for some UI stuff but I am always getting this
error if I start pdmenu:

$ pdmenu 
pdmenu error:  	if tty|egrep -q "tty[0-9]|vc/[0-9]|console"; then 			args="$args#define vc\n";				fi; 								if [ "$DISPLAY" ]; then							args="$args#define x11\n";				fi; 								if [ -f /var/lib/pdmenu/pdmenurc_auto ] ; then				echo -e "#define text\n$args" |						/usr/lib/pdmenu/cpp.pl -						/var/lib/pdmenu/.pdmenurc_auto;		fi:228 Invalid or misplaced keyword, "Press [ENTER] to exit...'; read AKEY"".

I am using Version: 1.2.59 freshly installed, purged and reinstalled. 
It has this config file /etc/pdmenurc, there are no ~/.pdmenurc's anywhere: 

------------- start pdmenurc -----


#Note that the above bang-path isn't required, but it lets you run this
#file directly as a sort of pdmenu script.

#Set a pleasing color scheme.

#Define the main menu:
menu:main:Main Menu
	# This ties in with Debian's autogenerated Apps menu.
	show:_Debian Menus..::/Debian
	exec:_Change your password:p:passwd
	exec:_Directory listing:display:ls -l
	exec:_Change directory:edit,setenv:echo PWD=~set to?:~
	exec:_Who's online?:truncate:echo "These users are online:";w

# If you edit this file, you will probably not want to remove the following 
# section, which makes menus of Debian apps available.
# What this does is run a simplistic cpp-like program (you could use cpp
# here, but there are side effects that make this undesirable). The cpp clone
# reads in standard input and /var/lib/pdmenu/.pdmenurc_auto, and outputs a
# pdmenurc file tailored for the cirrent display. If X is available, 
# "#define x11" is passed to the cpp clone as part of its stdin. If we are at 
# the linux console, "#define vc" is passed, and "#define text" is always 
# passed, since plain text mode will always work (or pdmenu wouldn't be
# running!).
preproc: \
	if tty|egrep -q "tty[0-9]|vc/[0-9]|console"; then 	\
		args="$args#define vc\n";			\
	fi; 							\
	if [ "$DISPLAY" ]; then					\
		args="$args#define x11\n";			\
	fi; 							\
	if [ -f /var/lib/pdmenu/pdmenurc_auto ] ; then		\
		echo -e "#define text\n$args" |			\
			/usr/lib/pdmenu/cpp.pl -		\
				/var/lib/pdmenu/.pdmenurc_auto;	\

------------- end pdmenurc -----

So, if someone knows where the error is, please help.

Thanks in advance,
                                                 __    __
 Frank Barknecht       ____ ______   ____ __ trip\ \  / /wire ______
                      / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\	
                     / /  / ____/  / /  / // ____// /\ \\  ___\\____ \	
                    /_/  /_____/  /_/  /_//_____// /  \ \\_____\\_____\
                                                /_/    \_\ 

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