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Re: Adding more disk-space

Viggo <viggovap@mail.worldonline.dk> writes:
> Why does Linux only report 515 Mb, when the drive is supposedly 540 Mb?
> (linux using 524/32/63, drive physically 1048/16/63)

     All hard drive manufacturers artificially and incorrectly define
1 Mb = 1,000,000 bytes

     524*32*63*512 bytes/sector = 540,868,608 bytes , which is 514.984
real Mb.
> Wanting to move  /usr to the new hd, how would I go about it?
> I suppose I have to format(initialize?) and mount the drive, and then
> copy /usr with everything "beneath" it to the new hd? (Which is
> basically what I would have done back in the DOS-days...)

     Make a file system on the new drive (Format) using mke2fs or
mkfs.ext2 (they are the same file).  `mke2fs /dev/hdd1'

     Then mount /dev/hdd1 temporarily on /mnt (or any other mount
point), and cp -ax /usr /mnt/.  Then mount /dev/hdd1 on /usr.  Put a
line in /etc/fstab mounting /dev/hdd1 on /usr.  After using it enough
to make sure evrything works OK, `umount /dev/hdd1' and `rm -fr
/usr/'.  (That last command commits you unequivocally, so make sure
everything is OK first.  Until then your old /usr is OK - mounting
another file system on a directory hides that directory's contents,
but doesn't destroy them.)  You will then have to `mkdir /usr' to get
a mount point for /dev/hdd1.  All of the commands I have suggested
require root privileges.

     You will probably get a number of replies suggesting commands
using find and tar instead of cp.  It is a kind of religious matter.
I don't feel strongly about it one way or the other.  I have always
had good results using cp -ax, and I can remember it, while the
alternates are harder to remember.  Whatever method you use, make sure
you use options that preserve permissions and ownership.

  |_)  _  |_       Robert D. Hilliard    <hilliard@flinet.com>
  |_) (_) |_)      Palm City, FL  USA    PGP Key ID: A8E40EB9

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