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Re: gcc problem

nobody can really help unless you post exactly what error(s) you are
recieving..it could be one of a million differnet things..


On Tue, 29 Feb 2000, Ron Rademaker wrote:

ron >I got a problem with gcc I don't understand and I don't know how it got
ron >there. I'm using Slink with 2.2.14 kernel. Whenever I try to compile a
ron >kernel... there's an error, I can't recall which one, I just gave up
ron >compiling a new kernel and continued with this one, worked ok. 
ron >But now I've downloaded some source code which I'm trying to compile, when
ron >trying to compile it became clear to me that something was defenately
ron >wrong: I got the error that gcc couldn't write any executables...
ron >HELP!!!
ron >
ron >Ron
ron >
ron >
ron >
ron >-- 
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ron >

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