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Re: win98 on top of linux - consequences?

win98 is a pretty stupid OS, provided you make your partition beforehand
to install win98 to there is pretty much nothing it can do to hurt
linux.  HOWEVER it can remove lilo(and usually does) so keep a rescue disk
handy if you use lilo to reinstall once win98 overwrites the bootsector.

but win98 will not come near an ext2 partition. any partition that is not
fat16/fat32 will be ignored.


On Tue, 29 Feb 2000, Oleg Krivosheev wrote:

kriol >
kriol >
kriol >Hi, All
kriol >
kriol >i have disk with three linux partition and
kriol >some free space. I asked to install win98 and
kriol >have simple question - what should i avoid and
kriol >how not to destroy linux installation?
kriol >
kriol >thank you
kriol >
kriol >OK
kriol >
kriol >
kriol >-- 
kriol >Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe debian-user-request@lists.debian.org < /dev/null
kriol >

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