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Re: Kitchen sink and Linux?

while the comment may look like it rips debian, I believe that caldera is
not trying to compare itself against other distributions but other
operating systems. being a linux user for about 4 years(and being very
strongly opiniated(sp?) about it and open source) i dont take offense to
the comment.  while debian clearly includes the largest selection of free
and open source software(nobody disputes that) caldera includes a wide
variety of non free/commercial software.  although i think that SuSe and
Mandrake with their 4-5-6 CD distributions do a much better job at
including "Everything but the kitchen sink" then caldera does :)


On Sun, 27 Feb 2000, Chirag wrote:

mannan >Dear debian users
mannan >
mannan >    I would like to draw your attention to certain ugly an unlinuxy comment
mannan >on the web site of a
mannan > Linux distribution about other distribution(s).
mannan >
mannan >Quoting from
mannan >http://www.calderasystems.com/support/docs/2.3/gsg/introduce.html
mannan >
mannan >Improved best-of-class package selection, with each Linux application
mannan >carefully chosen to be more useful and refined than the "everything but the
mannan >kitchen sink" products from some Linux packagers
mannan >
mannan >Unquote.
mannan >
mannan >This is an obvious reference to debian if not for others, which is the
mannan >largest distribution and include
mannan >most freely available packages.  I strongly feel that this kind of comments
mannan >is very bad for Linux and
mannan >should be ripped in the bud itself and what is justfication for this when
mannan >the company seems to benefitting
mannan >from the works of millions of developers who test and 'robust'fy
mannan >applications that may have been called
mannan >toilet bowl applications in the near past.
mannan >
mannan >Those Linux distributions should find a dramatic change of policy in
mannan >marketing rather than continuing
mannan >the Microsoft tradition, like what Linus D. Torvalds has done to the Open
mannan >Source movement.
mannan >
mannan >Here customer is not King but an intimate friend. You would not try to
mannan >impress a friend by
mannan >accomplishments that are actually someone else's!
mannan >
mannan >By the way, I would like you persuade fellow debian users/develepors who has
mannan >some connection with
mannan >India to actively promote the distribution in this country.
mannan >
mannan >Thanking you
mannan >
mannan >previ
mannan > A red hat user
mannan >
mannan >
mannan >
mannan >-- 
mannan >Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe debian-user-request@lists.debian.org < /dev/null
mannan >

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