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Re: [Freenet-chat] Can't find class Freenet.Node

>>>>> "MF" == Martin Fluch <fluch@rock.helsinki.fi> writes:

    MF> Hi, I'm just trying to get FreeNet to work on my Debian box
    MF> (woody). Im using there JDK Version 1.1.7 and when I try to
    MF> execute
    MF>    java Freenet.Node

    MF> or something like this, I get the message

    MF>    Can't find class Freenet.Node

    MF> Im anything else but a java expert, but it seems to me, that
    MF> it is a very basic problem. Any hint?


If you installed Freenet in, say, /usr/local/freenet, you should be
able to get it to go by adding that dir to your CLASSPATH
variable. For example:

        export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/usr/local/freenet
        java Freenet.Node
~Mr. Bad

 Mr. Bad <mr.bad@pigdog.org> | http://pigdog.org/ |  RoR - Alucard

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