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Re: Static -vs- dynamic libc

>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Kerr <kerrr@et.byu.edu> writes:

    Robert> I've got a software project that I'm trying to compile
    Robert> statically.  I need to link in libstdc++-libc6.0-1.a.2
    Robert> rather than the corresponding .so. version, but I keep
    Robert> having problems with it.  I've used the -Wl,-Bstatic and
    Robert> -Wl,-Bdynamic flags (I think correctly), but when I think
    Robert> that I have that one lib linked statically, my application
    Robert> crashes immediately upon starting.  The only way I've
    Robert> gotten it to work is to rename the dynamic library to
    Robert> something else during compile/link, and then put it back
    Robert> when the compile is over.  I dislike (intensely) having to
    Robert> rename system libraries in such a manner.  What is going
    Robert> on here?  thanks

I may be wrong, but don't you use that -static flag for this?
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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