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Re: printcap help please

On Mon, 21 Feb 2000, Steve Brown wrote:

steve >I ended up with the following in /etc/printcap
steve >
steve >lp|hpdj|HP Deskjet540:\
steve >	:lp=/dev/lp0:sd=/var/spool/lpd/hpdj:\
steve >	:sh:pw#80:pl#66:px#1440:mx#0:\
steve >	:if=/etc/magicfilter/dj500-filter:\
steve >	:af=/var/log/lp-acct:lf=/var/log/lp-errs:

mine is the same as yours:

lp|hpdj500|HP Deskjet 500:\

steve >I know /dev/lp0 is correct because I've gotten 
steve >output there for example with   ls >  /dev/lp0.

ok good.

steve >But when I try lpq or lpr I get 
steve >
steve >no printcap for printer 'lp'
steve >
steve >and the lpr attempt also says "transfer to 
steve >lp@localhost failed"
steve >
steve >What's wrong with the file?

what print spooler ar eyou using? if its lprng is it running? did you
restart it after setting up printcap ? my lpr has always been broken but
lpq does work:

[root@aphro ~] lpq
Printer: lp@aphro  'HP Deskjet 500'
 Queue: no printable jobs in queue
 Status: server finished at 20:14:18

try printing from something like netscape, while *my* lpr is
broken(nothing happens when i use it, the job submits but then dissapears
witohut printing) and see if it does the same.


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