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Re: Segmentation fault

On Sun, 13 Feb 2000, davidturetsky wrote:

davidt >I am executing a Linear Program program I wrote and compiled. It terminates without generating output (but creates the output file) with a "Segmentation fault"
davidt >
davidt >I'm trying to convert programs to run under g++ which I previously developed using Visual c 5.0 and would appreciate any help in sorting this out
davidt >
davidt >Is there a log which is generated which might provide further details?

while im not a programmer, using the program 'strace' can probably help
provide more info on the problem. strace is in package 'strace' in
slink(not sure about potato)

the format is: strace <command>

you may want to dump the outpuit to a file as it is quite verbose:

strace command >&strace.log & tail -f strace.log


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