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Re: Squid Proxy server-

Tom wrote:

>Okay i have done this before but cant remember what i typed to get it to
>work.  I need to clear out the cache on my proxy server so that it wont keep
>showing some items that i have changed.  how do i do this?  Basicaly I think
>what im looking to do is clear out my proxy cache, but i cant remember how
>to do that for the life of me.  I am running a squid proxy server.

$ squidclient -m PURGE url

However, this shouldn't be necessary. Shift-clicking the reload button in
Netscape should force a reload regardless of what's cached. If the pages are
local, try adding your own hostname to the "No Proxy" settings of your
browser. You can do the same thing with squid using the always_direct config

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