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Re: Trouble with X Windows...

upgrade your X 

see www.debian.org/~vincent

slink has a really old X.


On Tue, 25 Jan 2000, Michael Jessop wrote:

mjesso >...I just converted over (well, initialized my disk and started from
mjesso >scratch) from RedHat 6.0 to Debian 2.1 (Slink).  I cannot get XWindows to
mjesso >run correctly.  I have a Matrox G200 AGP card... is this NOT the equivalent
mjesso >to the Millennium II AGP driver/card listed in the XF86Setup program?  If
mjesso >not, what to do?  I am considering upgrading to Potato, but I do not even
mjesso >know how to do that (with apt)...  Can someone help me out?  I'd like to get
mjesso >up and running with Debian.
mjesso >
mjesso >Thank you.
mjesso >
mjesso >Mike
mjesso >
mjesso >
mjesso >-- 
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mjesso >

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