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Re: [Off Topic] Celeron 366 or 400 MHz, 64+ MB RAM?

you should have no problems, i cant imagine where you read that..

i am running 466 celerons with 256MB ram, and its _quite_ fast.  it may be
true that not all of the memory is cached(i can't say wether it is or
not).  On older i430TX boards(i have one) they could not cache memory
beyond 64MB, i ran(and still run) 128MB on it and it runs quite fast, some
people panic and think the system will slow to a crawl, when infact most
systems will benefit far more from the additional memory then having less
memory that is cached.

chipset is also important, i have a i440BX chipset.


On Sun, 9 Jan 2000, ktb wrote:

xyf >I'm looking into buying a computer with either a 366 or 400MHz Celeron
xyf >processor.  It has an L2 cache size of 128 Kb.  I've read somewhere that
xyf >an L2 cache under something like 512 kb, will slow down your computer if
xyf >there is more than 64 MB of RAM added.  On the other hand I've read that
xyf >this isn't a problem for PII processors and above, even if the cache is
xyf >smaller than 512 kb.  I've searched the archives and looked around on
xyf >the net and can't nail this one down.  Can I use more than 64 MB with
xyf >this processor/L2 cache combination?  
xyf >Thanks,
xyf >kent
xyf >
xyf >
xyf >-- 
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xyf >

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