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Savage4 in linux?

False advertising? maybe..

I have been getting (so far, 3) co workers to have a linux box at home,
and the newest one(also a newbie to computers) has an athlon 550 with a
savage4 16MB.  i knew XF86 did not support it, but SuSe 6.3 advertised
savage4 support, and i knew SuSe had a past with programming X servers so
i figured maybe they came up with a server..but he's tried to install it
twice with Yast2 (the install works) but X fails to configure..very odd

so my question is does anyone have a savage 4 based videocard
working(well, i.e. not in 16 colors :) ) in linux (any distribution,
please tell me which though) and/or what you did to get it working(im
leaning towards AcceleratedX)

btw my impressions of Suse 6.3 are they got a fancy snazzy install but i
am overall dissapointed with the distribution itself, i expected a lot
more(also disapointed with redhat) just reinforces my thoughs on
howkickass debian really is. it really sucked to be able to boot up E in
suse 6.3 but there are NO MENUS! nothing! you cant even exit out of it
without ctrl+alt+backspace, why include it if they dont evne do the most
basic configuration of it. seems they only put time into configuring
KDE. and the demo of applixware was already expired as soon as i installed

so, if anyone has success or failure stories with savage 4 lemme know
please! thanks ..


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