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Re: Running X on a Diamond Stealth II S220

On 4 Jan 2000 22:58:33 +0100, MallarJ2@aol.com wrote:

>I've got the above card on my PC at the office, and have a need to run X on 
>it.  Evidently, it isn't supported directly.  (I'm using slink, by the way).  
>I checked on X11.org and it doesn't appear to be supported by the XFree86 
>servers either.  There are, however, two that X11 packages that do support 
>it, one that I don't want to pay $99 for, and the other, from SUSE.  However, 
>I can't seem to find the driver on SUSEs ftp site.  Supposedly the server is 
>called XFCom_Rendition.
>So... questions are:
>* Is this card supported by XFree yet, and just not listed?
>* Is there any other way to get this card working under X?
>* Has anyone gotten this card to run under X yet?
Hello Jay,
I've got the same card on my PC at home with Debian 2.1 slink running.
I've downloaded it from
You need the following files:
and from the Server directory the XSVGA.tgz
Put this files to your /tmp directory,then cd /usr/X11R6 and make a
backup of your existing configuration:

tar -zcvf XFree86_Backup ./*    then
sh /tmp/preinst.sh
chmod 755 /tmp/extract
/tmp/extract /tmp/X*.tgz
sh /tmp/postinst.sh
Now you can run XF86Config.
This worked fine on my PC,but it should also work with the 3.3.5.

Hope i could help you!

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