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LAN access fails after 5 seconds

I have just installed Debian 2.2.12 on my Pentium 150 and have spent an
entire day trying to get my LAN card working for longer than 5 seconds.

It is a Kingston KNE100TX, using a DS21143 chip manufactured by Intel. 
Several documents say the tulip driver should work although Greg Siekas
mentions on his web site
that some versions of tulip have had problems with the -43.

My symptoms:  The NIC activity light blinks constantly, as though there was
a lot of traffic.  This appears to be bogus, since when I shutdown it
continues to blink; I can even reboot without it losing a beat.  (Turning
off the power does reset it!)  I believe my software configuration is OK,
since dmesg shows nothing suspicious and--get this!--if I "ifconfig down"
and then "ifconfig up" again the manic blinking stops for about 5 seconds. 
In fact, by recalling and entering a "ping" command immediately after
coming back up, I see I have a successful connection!  The pings start
timing out when the manic blinking starts again.

I should mention the exact same hardware works fine under Windoze 98.  Under
Linux, "ifconfig" shows the card using the same irq and memory as it did
under Windoze.

I got the source code for the 4/14/99 version of tulip from Greg's page.  It
compiles fine, but I can't install it because it was "compiled for kernel
2.0.36" and I'm using 2.2.12.  I can't figure out where the 2.0.36 comes
from; the only linux kernel headers I can "find" (and therefore these must
be the ones gcc uses?  how is this configured?) are in
/usr/src/kernel-headers-2.2.12/include/linux where UTS_RELEASE is correctly
defined as 2.2.12.

Can anyone give me a hint on how to compile tulip to run under 2.2.12?
Or any hints on what else to look for that could cause this strange problem?


--Ray Zarling

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