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Re: can someone please explain to me error in execution path?

On Mon, 3 Jan 2000, Joseph de los Santos wrote:

> I installed enlightenment but when I try to run a program I get the error
> "There was an error running the program:
> eeyes
> THis program could not be executed.
> this is most  probably because this program is not in the path for your 
> shell which is /bin/bash. I suggest you read the manual page for that shell 
> and read up how to change or add to your execution path."
> I tried adding the default hidden directory of /.enlightenment to the path 
> of my /bin/bash but it would not let me...I even made permission to 
> enlightenment directory read/write to all. maybe I'm doing it all wrong? can 
> sompebody please lend a helping hand. Thank you.

	You shouldnt have to add the .enlightenment directory to your
path. From the error message, it just seems that you havent installed the
eeyes package from the 'graphics' section. Try installing it and let us


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