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Netscape vs M$ IE (Re: Sun goes...)

> > > 
> > > We shouldnt cheat outselves.
> > > M$IE is much better than NS and there are plenty of users which will
> > > chose it if it only will came available on Linux.
> > > Some day gzilla may came the best browser in the world but
> > > if M$ make port of IE before this time it can make a lot of mess
> > > in the free software community
> > 
> > i used to like IE more teh NS (back in 3.x) but ever since 4.x ive
> > been devoted to NS.  all the security problems and that whole activeX
> > thing bugs me.  that and the fact that i got mod_roaming for netscape, to
> > update my prefs/bookmarks/etc so my 500bookmarks are always available
> > wherever i may be. only thing i'd chjange about netscape is make different
> > binaries for each app(composer/navigatgor/mail/news) so if one crashes it
> > doesnt bring all of em down.
> ActiveX is easy to set off. I dont think NS is more secure than IE
> (IE's security is more customizable and althru it had dumb defaults
> one can make it reasonably secure by chosing proper options)
> And IE is more efficent. I could have on M$WIN/IE box 20+ pages
> (waiting for others to load) and did it often (list archives for ex)
> With Linux/NS its difficult to have 5 pages opened at the same time
> I also dont need mailer inside a browser

I've seen security related electronic bulletins almost fully devoted to
M$ IE bugs and security holes.  One common complain is that many of
these "new holes or bugs" had already been reported in earlier versions
of M$ IE, having been acknowledge by M$, promised to fix, but never

If that's so, it looks to me as if M$ IE is becoming a big collection of
bugs and holes, and every new version therefore carries the old as well
as the new (and probably some new features as well).

The nicest feature for Netscape, IMHO, is that I can have Mutt as my
Netscape's mailer ;-)
The worst, is that it crashes almost always it encounters something in
java... and even worst, it's getting used to crash X with it!

I'd like to try other graphical browsers, but there are not that many
around.  I tried installing Sun's HotJava... to no success.  Meantime, I
most times have to resort to good old Lynx.


Horacio					Anno MMDCCLII ad Urbe condita
homega@ciberia.es			Valencia - ESPAÑA
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