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Re: Setting up Exim

On Tue, 17 Aug 1999 vw@geus.DK wrote:

> Allright, maybe this is a stupid question, but I'm stuck:
> In X, I open a xterm and type eximconfig. I supply my mailserver's id and
> tell it where to put the mail (in the sole user's account: mine!). Not too
> difficult, even for a newbie like me.
> Now, when I try to get my mail, I run fetchmail (the modem flickers), then
> exim, and I get an error something like no mail adresses supplied. How come?
> I've set up exim at least 5 times, just to make sure, in and out of X, as
> root and as user, rebooted, all to no avail.
> What am I doing wrong? To the best of my knowledge, I am setting it up
> exactly as the Mail-HOWTO told me.

First, are you sure local mail is being delivered correctly?  Try opening
up your mail program (mutt, elm, pine, xfmail, ...) and sending mail to
your local userid (ie. I would send to 'greg' which is my accound on my
home computer, not 'ggbaker').  If that doesn't work, your problem is with

If it does work, your problem is with fetchmail.  I'm not at a computer
with fetchmail, so take this with a grain of salt... You should have a
file in your home directory called .fetchmailrc.  Mine looks (as I recall)
something like:
  poll my.pop.server
  proto POP3
  auth password
  user ggbaker
  pass mypassword
Have a look at the fetchmail man page.

Does that do it?


"With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not
necessarily a good idea."  --RFC-1925 

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