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Re: Backing up just my personal stuff (was: backing up a complete Debian GNU/Linux system)

* Pann McCuaig <pann@ourmanpann.com> writes:

> Here's my take on it:
> As root,

> dpkg --get-selections > /root/dpkg.selections
> cp -a /usr/src/linux/kernel-image*.deb /root/

> Then backup

> /root
> /boot

Thanks for the suggestion, sounds good. Alas, I´m the type who can´t
keep his disks clean and has, say, an /opt partition (I admit) and
such stuff. An automated way to find out what is user-touched and
what not would be nice, I think--the information is all there, after
all. This script could then exclude directories like /proc and some
of /var automatically. Nice project for a guy who is going to learn
a scripting language [*suggest, suggest*]. I always wanted to give
Python a try, so I might actually do it, but when :-(


Colin Marquardt <colin.marquardt@gmx.de>

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