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Re: Modem freezeup again

Branden Robinson wrote:
> I used to have exactly that problem.  When the modem got hung up it wedged
> and I couldn't get back to it.
> It's probably been a year since I had to deal with it, though.  IIRC it was
> a U.S. Robotics internal giving me this problem, and it has to do with
> one of the RS-232 lines being held high when it should go low.
> This kind of thing is apparently "remembered" in the modem's hardware, and
> you have to power cycle it to make it let go.  This is one reason I wound
> up going with an external modem -- at least you can cycle that SOB without
> taking your whole damn machine down.

Yeah, I've got this problem too. Highly annoying. Here the kernel also
outputs an error message when the modem locks - sent that to Alan Cox ages
ago and he acknowledged the problem but I haven't seen a fix yet.

I'm not sure if this is a hardware or a software problem.

> As far as pppd itself goes, try fooling with the "local" option.

Hm, interesting, will do.

see shy jo

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