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Re: SIOCADDRT: Invalid argument

using rotue add -net in 2.2.x is redundant as 2.2. already adds the route
automatically, its nothing to worry about it doesnt hurt anything.


On Wed, 29 Dec 1999, Daniel [iso-8859-1] Pérez Pérez wrote:

danito >    I use Debian 2.1 and I have changed my Kernel 2.0.36 to 2.2.4 and
danito >when I use the command route, for example route add -net I get
danito >the message SIOCADDRT: Invalid argument. I use an ethernet SMC ultra and
danito >it works fine, even when I get that message. The configuration of the
danito >Kernel is OK. I would like to know what is going on.
danito >
danito >
danito >
danito >-- 
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danito >

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