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Re: I thought KDE wasn't included because of QT?!?

On Thu, Dec 23, 1999 at 12:26:43PM -0500,
Bart Szyszka <bart@gigabee.com> wrote:
> I just thought of something. I thought the whole reason why KDE wasn't
> included in the Debian download trees because of the licensing issues
> with QT. If that's the case, then why is QT included in the download tree?!?
> If QT is OK to put in there then what's the point of saying KDE can't be
> there?

QT is DFSG free, but it is not GPL. The QT license and GPL are not
compatible, but the KDE people have mixed GPL and QT licensed code. It
is illegal to redistribute this mixed code, and Debian will not do it.
The KDE guys shouldn't either, but they don't seem to care.

Eric Gillespie, Jr. <*> epg@pobox.com

All hail the Dollar, King of the Earth.

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