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Re: Setting Path ENV variable

	Subject: Re: Setting Path ENV variable
	Date: Mon, Dec 20, 1999 at 03:08:33PM -0800

In reply to:Andy Thomas

Quoting Andy Thomas(andyth@postalzone.com):
>| Ok... where is .bash_profile for root supposed to be located?  I've got one
>| for a user ("jimmy") I've created in /home/jimmy/.bash_profile and another
>| one in /etc/skel/.bash_profile.  Edit the /etc/skel one or create a new one
>| in /etc?

each user, including root can have a .bash_profile in there home
directory to customize the enviroment for that user.  They 'could' be
all the same or different, depending on the user.  When you add a new
user, there isn't a .bash_profile made by the add user command, IIRC.

copy etc/skel/.bash_profile to your (or the users) home directory and
modify it till it does what you want.

root's home directory is /root.  Your new, huh.
>| So is there no need for .bashrc under Debian as described by the O'Reilly
>| book?

Well now I wouldn't say that.  I use .bashrc to keep my alises's in
and also any short scripts in (tarc() tart() tarx() like in the
O'reilly book).

alias ldir='vdir | grep ^d' 
alias ap='apropos '
alias avail='less /var/lib/dpkg/available'
alias pslpt='cat  | psnup -2 -pletter | lpr'
alias quit='play /usr/lib/sounds/goodbye.wav ; soundoff -m ; shutdown -h now;

This makes it easier to use some long commands and if you forget the
command you just have to type alias at the command prompt and there
they all are.

NOTE: add the bit below here somewhere in your .bash_profile

if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
  source ~/.bashrc
NOTE2:  If you modify (edit) either .bash_profile or .bashrc, to make
the changes take effect, you don not need to logout and back in again,
sinply do . .bash_profile  and they will both be reloaded.

>| What happens if I've already set /etc/profile to the path I want and it
>| still truncates it with just the default entries?  Is that a no-no (adding
>| custom path entries to /etc/profile)?

Well I wouldn't advise changing /etc/profile.  It is there as a
general PATH for most users.  Thats why you should add 'your' paths to
the statement I mentioned before, in .bashrc

User n.:
        A programmer who will believe anything you tell him.

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