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Re: Can one keep networks apart on a machine?

kaynjay@igalaxy.net wrote:


> >I kind of like the suggestion from a previous post that this ignorant net
> >admin of yours be brought to task over his administrative decisions. Isn't
> >his job ultimately to provide a network infrastructure that makes end-users
> >more productive?  Seems to me that his draconic "nothing but NT" stance runs
> >counter to this.  And this at an institute for higher learning and
> >enlightened thinking... what a shame.
> Well, I _am_ the original "instigator" of the bias, as I inadvertently
> brought the system to its knees with a kernel upgrade.  I can't (and don't
> try to) back out of that responsibility.

We've got this unofficial consensus that we'd rather have "our"
people breaking the network with Linux before the students do it
from their dorm rooms. This way we can learn from the experiences
and yet still have some control. Otherwise, when the students do
it, we'll be caught with our pants down.

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