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Re: Setting up virtual hosts

i setup virtual domains often, by hand..if you find something lemme know
..id be interested in it..also something that could modify the DNS
database(s) and update my script that generates webstats..

im in the process of learning perl but it'll be a while before i can do
this :/


On Mon, 20 Dec 1999, Patrick Kirk wrote:

patric >I hope to be able to offer about 100 people the ability to run virtual hosts on my server and need a script to set them up as users, give them home directories and set up virtual servers for them.
patric >
patric >The basic steps needed are:
patric >
patric >1.	Add a user
patric >2.	Give an eight character password from random list
patric >3.	Give a home directory with a www subdirectory
patric >4.	Create a virtual server in the name http://www.localdomainname/user with root documents in /home/user/www
patric >5.	Add a new virtual domain like www.anydomain.com for apache and have its root documents in a subdirectory of the user called anydomain
patric >6.	Make sure the user has no read access at all outside their own directory yet is able to read email.
patric >7.	Deny the user telnet.
patric >
patric >Obviously I'm not the first person to need to do this so does anyone know where I can find a script to use as a prototype?  
patric >
patric >All help appreciated.
patric >
patric >Patrick Kirk
patric >
patric >
patric >
patric >-- 
patric >Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe debian-user-request@lists.debian.org < /dev/null
patric >

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