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HELP: babel and french produce strange things in potato....


i just recompiled a latex file (big mistake as it seems...) that uses the babel
system and the setting french..... now on compilation i get 
\select@language{frenchb} maong others and following this :

! Undefined control sequence.
\add@accent ...l \mathchardef \accent@spacefactor 
                                                  \spacefactor }\accent #1
l.19 \begin{document}

nevetheless this produces a result, but everwhere where i used accentuated
chararctrs, now i have a strange greek sign (think it is capital theta...)

so what's going wrong????

ciao bboett
http://inforezo.u-strasbg.fr/~bboett http://erm1.u-strasbg.fr/~bboett
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