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RE: New Guy questions

	Jason im in the same boat as you.  I have just began to learn within the
last few weeks so I understand the information overload you are going

	This link is to ZDTV and they take you through a video install of a Linux
box.  Kinda cool, and is very basic.

	Something else i would recommend you go buy is the Linux for Dummies book.
Lots of great stuff in there that is very basic and can be helpfull.  Then
after your feel comfortable and want to get more acquated with Debian itself
you might want to get the new Oreilly book(the ones with the animals on
them) for Debian.  You can read about it on the Debian.Org webpage.

	I never used IRC before, but there is a lot of good help out there in these
chat rooms for Linux.  you might want to go to the irc.debian.org server and
choose the #linuxhelp room.  There is a #debian room but most of the people
there are snobs and wont answer basic questions, they want more serious in
depth problems.

	I would recommend you check out a site at Purdue university.
http://ecn.www.ecn.purdue.edu/ECN/Documents/VI/ , This one is a class for
Vi, and its free.  Very basic, but i have been told by more then one person
that its probably the number one editor for Unix/Linux that you will need to
know for sure if your going to be doing anything like editing config files.

	And of course the pages on Debian.Org can be helpfull as well, but I found
these sources more helpfull then the debian pages were.  One of the first
steps your going to want to learn in Debian is how to install the MAN pages.
I would install those first and make sure they work.  There very helpfull.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Vormbaum [mailto:jason@vormbaum.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 1999 6:32 PM
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: New Guy questions


I am completely new to the Linux world.  Today i set up a Linux machine and
somehow I got it to boot, but now I don't know what to do with it.  I need
to connect it to my network to start with, but in the setup the 3Com 3c905
card I am using was not there.   Before I ask a whole bunch of dumb
questions about how to install my network card and CD-Rom, i will ask if
there is anyplace good I can read about how to do this.  How about a list of
commands and what they do?  I was a Microsoft person, but please don't hold
that against me, I want to learn something good.


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