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Re: ipmasqadm

On Sun, 5 Dec 1999 23:38:48 -0800 (PST), Dave Wiard wrote:

>could somebody give me some pointers on how to use ipmasqadm?  i don't

Use it e.g. to forward accesses to a port on your firewall to an internal 
machine like this:

/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L $EXT_IP ssh -R $INT_HOST ssh

The above means: redirect accesses to machine $EXT_IP/port ssh to machine 
$INT_HOST, port ssh.

>seem to have a man page for it and 'usage: ipmasqadm MODULE [opts] '
>doesn't help me much.  i don't have a lot of experience with loadable
>modules and such.

There IS a man page for it:

# dpkg -S ipmasqadm   
netbase: /usr/man/man8/ipmasqadm.8.gz

# dpkg -l netbase
ii  netbase         3.12-2         Basic TCP/IP networking binaries

You can get basic help by invoking the following:

# ipmasqadm portfw -h
Usage: portfw -a -P PROTO -L LADDR LPORT -R RADDR RPORT [-p PREF] add entry
       portfw -d -P PROTO -L LADDR LPORT [-R RADDR RPORT]         delete 
       portfw -f                                                  clear 
       portfw -l                                                  list table
       portfw <args> -n                                           no names

PROTO is the protocol, can be "tcp" or "udp"
LADDR is the local interface receiving packets to be forwarded.
LPORT is the port being redirected.
RADDR is the remote address.
RPORT is the port being redirected to.
PREF  is the preference level (load balancing, default=10)


# ipmasqadm autofw

    ipautofw <command> <options>

Valid commands:
    -A                           add new autoforward entry
    -D                           delete an autoforward entry
    -F                           flush the autoforward table

Valid options:
    -r <type> <low> <high>       forwarding on ports <low> to <high> using
                                 protocol <type> (tcp or udp)

    -h <host>                    IP address of host to receive forwarded

    -d <type> <low> <high>       specifies a set of ports which will not use
                                 the default high range (60000+) masquerade
                                 port area

    -p <type> <visible> <host>:<hidden>
                                 set up port bouncing from visible host port
                                 to masqueraded host <host> on port 
                                 protocol <type> (currently not supported)

    -c <type> <port>             specifies a control port and protocol

    -u                           Do _not_ require that a host connect within
                                 15 seconds of triggering the control port

    -i                           Insecure mode; any host many connect after
                                 implied by not using the -c option or 
                                 by using the -h option
                                 once the control port has been triggered
    -v                           Verbose mode

and also

# ipmasqadm mfw        
Usage: mfw -A -m FWMARK -r RADDR RPORT [-p PREF] add entry
       mfw -D -m FWMARK [-r RADDR RPORT]         delete entry
       mfw -E -m FWMARK [-r RADDR RPORT]         edit entry
       mfw -S -m FWMARK                          force scheduling
       mfw -F                                    clear table
       mfw -L                                    list table
       mfw <args> -n                             no names

FWMARK is the fwmark being redirected.
RADDR is the remote address.
RPORT is the port being redirected to.
PREF  is the preference level (load balancing, default=10)

There should also be some docs under /usr/doc/ipportfw.



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