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Re: Why

based on your email i make the assumption that you may not be fully able
to install/setup linux on a laptop(one of the more complicated platforms
to install to due to the hardware in them) i suggest you attempt to seek
out someone who can help you in person. most linux users are more then
happy to assist and installation for a new user for no charge.

learning how to use linux is more important then learning how to install


On Fri, 3 Dec 1999, Brigette Heffner wrote:

briget >Why is it so hard to get anywhere with Linux?
briget >In plain English...how do I get help with the install?  Is there a book (written in HUMAN English) that I can buy?  I have read all kinds of "how to's" and I am missing something because I have tried to install THREE versions of Linux and can't get any to work (on my new $2300 paperweight of a laptop).
briget >
briget >Just tell me what to do...or should I buy windows 98 and forget it?  
briget >The laptop has no operating system...now.
briget >
briget >Thanks for any help 
briget >Brigette
briget >brigette@mail.com
briget >
briget >

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