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raw mode? or what? (messed up w/tleds)

I was using tleds. I am no longer using tleds.

I compiled and installed it earlier tonight. It was nice to have Tx and Rx
lights again, but every time the lights flashed they'd interrupt the keyboard
repeat, and would mess with any keypress directly coincidental with them.

Later in the night I'd begun expanding my tty usage (iptraf's various displays
on tty17-22 and top on tty23, all via inittab), and it began messing things up
a *lot* worse. A lot more characters were getting dropped/mutated. That was
just intolerable, so I killed it, and removed it. (updatedb;rm `locate tled`,
which removed everything about it that I could find).

And now, the keyboard on tty1 (where tleds had been launched from, since I
had a script for it in init.d) is totally messed up. At its worst, about half
the keypresses are just beeped at, especially ones that come too fast after
the previous. Various parts of the console display are printed in the wrong
places (usually shifted to the left to the end of the previous line) despite
repeated resets, and it will occasionally just lock up completely, and stay
locked up through the violent death of its bash and getty. (The login prompt
comes up, but accepts no input.) Even at its best, it will periodically beep
at the enter key, and cannot be relied on to get all of any given input from
the keyboard. (And this is just tty1. All the other terminals are normal, so
far as I can tell.)

I think this is what's called raw mode. However, kbd_mode -a has no effect.

How, please, do I remedy this situation? And what've I done, exactly?

Served with a smile, 

(now I know why it's called the unstable tree)

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