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Re: samba for a kids network-server

set samba to allow GUEST access and it will allow everyone including me to
connect to your server and delete all your files.  see the man page or use


On Sat, 27 Nov 1999 debian@kirks.net wrote:

debian >Hi all,
debian >
debian >I just want to share one folder on a Linux box with NO SECURITY on a small
debian >LAN with Win9x and NT4 boxes.  I am truly amazed at just how hard this
debian >is...the smb.conf seems designed to scare off anyone with less than 1000
debian >users!
debian >
debian >Does anyone have a sample smb.conf that shares one folder with ANYONE on a
debian >private LAN?  I want my kids to be able to access this but I don't want them
debian >to even have to think about passwords.  For security, can I just rely on
debian >hosts allow = 10.10.10.
debian >
debian >Thanks in advance!
debian >
debian >Patrick
debian >
debian >
debian >
debian >
debian >
debian >
debian >-- 
debian >Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe debian-user-request@lists.debian.org < /dev/null
debian >

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