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Re: File permissions

setting the sgid bit (that +s you see) makes sure all files in that
directory are created with ownership of that group.  debian uses that in a
lot of places. 


On Fri, 26 Nov 1999, Antonio Rodriguez wrote:

arodri >While checking some files with ls -l, I have found some permission
arodri >settings such as:
arodri >drwx--S---
arodri >drwxr-sr-x
arodri >
arodri >I have not seen anywhere documentation on settings other than r,w,x. Can
arodri >you tell where I can find their meaning? Would be great if in the little
arodri >docs we could see everything possible at once. For a non-UNIX former
arodri >user this is hard.
arodri >Thanks,
arodri >Antonio.
arodri >
arodri >
arodri >-- 
arodri >Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe debian-user-request@lists.debian.org < /dev/null
arodri >

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