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Re: liloing hdc as hda

Ralf rote.

> You probably need the following entry to tell lilo to treat hdc as hda
> for booting purposes (i.e. after you have switched your previous hdc
> drive becomes hda, but the LILO boot sector still thinks it's hdc.)

>   disk=/dev/hdc
>     bios=0x80

> Now write LILO again to /dev/hdc, including the above in your lilo.config.
> Leave it pointing to a root drive of hda, since this remains correct
> even after you switch drives.

hmm, this didn't work; I still get LIL-

As I think about this, I'm starting to think that I should change my 

back to hda.  If I'm thinking clearly, this means that your line will 
make it write the table to hdc, but it will tell it to boot from hda, 
with vmlinux in its position from hda--which should be identical once I 
swap drives.

> > p.s.  should syslogd really go to 100% cycle usage when / switches to 
> > ro status due to disk errors?  I understand it's trying to write, but 
> > is this a bug?

> It's definitely not a Good Thing(TM). Please report it as a bug,
> probably to the upstream maintainer.

will do.  I don't know how easy it is to duplicate; I only noticed it 
one of the three times the disk error occurred.

Lindsay lamented,
>In this situation I :-
>  dd vmlinuz to a floppy

that's the catch--i can't boot from floppy until I get the bios reset.

joost jawed,

>The problem is one needs to be able to specify 3 locations
>in the /etc/lilo.conf file:
>  - where is the boot disk,
>  - where is the Linux kernel now
>  - where will the linux kernel be when booting.

>And there are only 2 variables to set in lilo.conf:(.

but my disks are identical (supposedly).  All I really need to do (I 
think) is write exactly the lilo that would be written to drive hda to 
hdc instead.

Martyn Mentioined,
>Yes, the boot sector should get copied.  dd Knows nothing of disk
>geometries or layout usage.

So shouldn't my old hda lilo be copied?

>Is the disk *exactly* identical?  If not, are both discs in LBA mode,
>now, and when copied?

Yes.  Same model, size, etc., and taken from identical machines.  I 
couldn't mess with LBA/whatever, as I needed to keep the dark side OS 
that was installed just in case, so I just used fips to lower the end 
of the partition, and installed linux partitions after that.

>| I could solve this easily by booting from a floppy, but that doesn't 
>| seem to be an option, as something went horribly wrong when I set the 
>| password in the bios.

>What went wrong?  This sounds highly sus.

My assumption is that I made the same typo twice . . . The bios 
functions, but I can't change it to allow floppy boots, as I don't know 
what it actually has as the password . . .



Prof. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.   
(319) 266-7114                        http://eyry.econ.iastate.edu/hawk
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