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Re: Forcing Netscape to use MTA

>>>>> "Matthew" == Matthew W Roberts <matt@lehi.tamu.edu> writes:

    Matthew> This has to be a Netscape thing, though, because Mutt
    Matthew> works just fine.  I have also set the exim configuration
    Matthew> file to accept localhost. 

I will assume you mean here that you have configured exim to relay
mail coming from "localhost". Otherwise, please do so...

    Matthew> My guess is that Netscape
    Matthew> expects SMTP type response from my system but is not
    Matthew> getting it, so it aborts.  I'm wondering if it is
    Matthew> possible to get Netscape to use MTA `protocols' instead.

Sorry, I missed the start of this thread, so I might have missed

What hostname do you have netscape try to connect to?

If you use "localhost" port "25", then I agree, you do have a Netscape

If, on the other hand, you have configured netscape to connect
to <hostname> port "25" (where <hostname>!="localhost"), then you
will need to configure exim to accept connections from <hostname>, as
well as "localhost".

Remember TCP considers "localhost" and <hostname> to be two completely
different addresses, even if they do happen to correspond to the same

    Matthew> Now, as you can probably tell, I'm not a mail guru so the
    Matthew> above may not make any sense.  Really, the issue is that
    Matthew> Mutt works just fine and as expected, but Netscape has
    Matthew> problems.

I think non-broken programs should send mail via /usr/sbin/sendmail,
in which case, mail relaying isn't required. Obviously, Netscape
doesn't fit this category ;-).

Probably mutt does the correct thing, hence doesn't have any problems.
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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