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Re: My ppp connection is (stalling)

*- On 17 Nov, David J. Kanter wrote about "My ppp connection is (stalling)"
> This is driving me nuts. My PPP connection seems to be stalling all the
> time. I'm often seeing (stalled) in Netscape, and trying to do some updates
> to Potato has become painful (multiple mirror sites); it'll download a bit,
> then stop, download a bit, then stall...you get the picture.
> I remember reading something about PPP and the 2.2.X kernels. Could that be
> what's going on? I've got my pon configured to use all the compressions I can.
> Thanks.

I had similiar problems as well.  What worked for me was to reduce the
default mtu/mru settings by about half.  If you do this and have an
internal network make sure and set the mtu of the network to the same
value as your ppp link.  Different mtu settings seems to cause problems
with ip masqurading.  Other pppd options that I played with and had
varying degrees of success are bsdcomp, deflate and vj-max-slots.  A
lot of the ppp stalling problems tend to be compression negotiation
between you and the isp.  And since each isp may use different software
the correct combination will be different in each case.


Brian Servis
Mechanical Engineering              |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University                   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
servis@purdue.edu                   |  because by that time you will be a
http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis   |  mile away and have their shoes.

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