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Re: Win NT does 1600x1200, why not X? (FireGL 1000Pro)

On Tue, 16 Nov 1999, Brian Boonstra wrote:

boonst >	So I reckon these are the 3 lines being thrown away.  I do wonder,  
boonst >though, if I have a bitdepth problem.  I reckoned the server would default to  
boonst >depth 24 since that is the first "Display" listed, but if it is defaulting  
boonst >to 8, then there's a good reason it would not go so high.

if those modelines are not supported remove em from XF86Config ..i remove
everything i dont use(make a backup) it makes understanding the file much

boonst >	I will try another modeline generator, as you suggest -- probably  
boonst >both XF86Setup and http://www.inria.fr/cgi-bin/nph-colas-modelines.

i tried that website earlier today, couldnt get it to generate any
modelines.. let me know how it goes for u


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