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Re: kernel compile and modules

On Tue, 16 Nov 1999, J Horacio MG wrote:

homega >> 2) if you need to load something else (i.e. isapnp) before the driver
homega >> loads
homega >
homega >should PPP be compiled as a loadable module then?

nah, PPP is a network(software) thing not a hardware thing.

homega >well, I recently made some potato upgrade, and just in case I've
homega >installed modutils from potato, so this shouldn't be a problem, or... ?

shouldnt be a problem

homega >in my first attempt I configured lots of loadable modules, but only one
homega >showed: /lib/modules/2.2.10/net/dummy.o

did you monitor the compile process..maybe there was someproblems
compiling ..(esp if your using something other then gcc2.7.2.3)

homega >new kernel:  it booted up, but gave me quite a few complains about not
homega >being able to load or find modules (how can I get the bootup messages?);
homega >so, I rebooted again with the old kernel, which also gave me some error
homega >messages about the same!!! why?

ignore the module errors, the system is expecting some modules due to the
fact that debian's default config is for a very modularized kernel.. you
can edit /etc/modules.conf (? i think) and comment them out to prevent
their attempts at loading.  when u rebooted again to the old kernel..not
sure why it gave the same errors..depends on what modules failed to
load..did you erase the modules in /lib/modules/2.0.36/ ??

homega >ppp.o, which I did not compile as a loadable module, but built into the
homega >kernel) ... not so many messages as earlier though.

safe to ignore..

homega >Why does this happen to me?  may be `make modules' or `make
homega >modules_install' are not functioning properly?  but then, why does it
homega >mess with my old kernel?

its normal, the module config appears to be set outside of kernel config
so the modprobe script(s) have no idea what your kernel config is.. safe
to ignore, no worries.

homega >chose to build in the kernel, as they are the ones used over here).
homega >ISO8859-15 is supposed to work with the new Euro sign among others, but
homega >I still cannot see it, although I add it to my /etc/kbd/default.map.gz
homega >(control keycode 18 = currency), but that actually gives me a weird
homega >character (¤)  any idea about this?

i compile them all in too..no idea how to get them to show :) 


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