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Re: quicktime4 player for linux?

On Sun, 14 Nov 1999, James Pullman wrote:

jpullm >It's very hard to tell people NOT to use a CODEC that's absolutely beautiful to behold.  It looks better then MPEG (which is non-free anyway) and is a bootload smaller, better then AVI by a longshot, better then basically anything.  And as far as any author cares, it's free (beer).  Because MacOS and Win9x/NT can view it, and that's basically the Desktop market there.
i must be blind then cuz i see NOTHING special about their codecs, MPEG-1
is great, and Indeo 5.0 is also good..i can see no difference.  but at the
same time i see no difference between a VideoCD(Mpeg1) and DVD (Mpeg2)

jpullm >The Star Wars trailers looked STUNNING on QT4, and other codecs can't hold a candle to it.  That's why I suggest bugging Apple.  MPEG-1 is getting old.  And we don't even have MPEG-2 support either.  So rather then just live with it, lets go make some noise.  Get some binary implementations for ELF or whatever.

again, i watched that thing tons of times and didnt see anything special
about it. im perfectly happy that mpeg1 can reduce a 1GB AVI to about
30MB.  even with 256bit assisted videoplayback (Imagine 128 Series 2
4MB) the star wars trailer was no more impressive then any other trailer
at that resolution.  other then the fact it caused massive video artifacts
on my machine(see
http://www.aphroland.org/screenshots/Starwars-Quicktime3-2.jpg i must've
named it wrong when i made it)  i talked to my friend who has a 133Mhz
Powermac (who claims its about the same as a P200 said the trailer was
unplayable on his mac.  it was even close to dropping frames on my k6-2
366(when maximized).  too much compression used in it, not worth the extra
processing power. id much rather use a few extra megs of hd space and have
cpu util be 50% lower.

one thing i would like to understand is what apple is doing by restricting
who uses their codec.  i mean..how does it hurt them if other people use
it for decoding purposes? i can only imagine it helping the population
that uses QT increase.  even under win* (shiver) intel codecs and mpeg
codecs are that, codecs that other players can use..QT4 ..keeps everything
internal. looks to me like everything else they get involved in they are
scared of a little competition (killing off the clones, restricting
hardware info so beOS cant run on their stuff, preventing their G3 boards
from being upgraded to G4 via bios "updates"..the list goes on.)  intel
has (had?) a nifty tool that converted AVI -> QT and back(free) but it
doesnt work with most of the new (past 2-3 years) codecs from QT.


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