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Re: PPP - almost there, but stuck on routing table :(

On Sat, 6 Nov 1999, John Miskinis wrote:

> That makes sense, I can see where /dev/modem is useful once things
> are working.  I did remember seeing a note somewhere (I've been
> up all night reading stuff, I forget where) where they discouraged
> the use of /dev/modem, and /dev/mouse however!

A Linux system running on a laptop has to cope with serial ports suddenly
aparing and disaparing and not necesarely connectetd to the same
/dev/ttyS? port. So this is for me the only way to handle this. This is a
little bit different situation from a 'normal' PC (never the less I don't
know the reasons, why this the use of /dev/modem and /dev/mouse is
discouraged there - but this is only due to I've not read about this, yet)

> I'm still accepting recommendations for slink-compatible browsers.
> I just grabbed "Mosaic" but it is complaining about the lack of
> "libXt.so.6".  And the darn link is there (to libXt.so.6.0) on my
> system.  This might be related to a warning I get when running
> ldconfig, as I have pending configurations of libwraster stuff from
> a failed attempt of installing dev versions of things without the
> required non-dev versions.  (Another story, yet to be resumed).

I've use netscape 4.7 found in


dwonlad size range from 11MB (navigator standalone) to 20MB (proffessional
edition). I've untard the archive, used ns-install (comming with the
tar-ball) to install it in /usr/local/netscape47, made an symlink from
/usr/local/netscape to this directory and final a symlink from
/usr/local/bin/netscape to /usr/local/netscape/netscape ... that works
fine for me.

I've never tried to use the debian packages to install netscape, so I
can't say anything about them.


          Linux, because I'd like to *get there* today
For public PGP-key: finger mfluch@mathphys.fsk.uni-heidelberg.de

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