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Re: OPL3-Sax

a lsmod here gives:

opl3sa2                 3400   1 
ad1848                 15060   1  [opl3sa2]
mpu401                 17676   1  [opl3sa2]

and in conf.modules:

options opl3sa2 io=0x100 io=0x201 io=0x220 mss_io=0x530 mpu_io=0x370 irq=5 dma=0 dma2=1

On 28 Oct, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 27, 1999 at 09:59:02AM +0200, Rune Linding Raun wrote:
>> i got a laptop with a yamaha opl3-sax (ymf719) soundchipset
>> system: deb 2.1 with kernel 2.2.13 amd-k6-2 333 128meg ram
>> the problem is that 16 bit sound cant function at 44kHz
>> if iam going to listen to eg mp3 :) i have to tell the player to sample
>> in 22kHz otherwise it sounds really scambled and it looks as it get
>> worse if i move the mouse or the hdd is active??????
>> i cant see any dma/irq conflicts in my /proc and besides it works
>> perfectly on 22kHz besides i got my laptop with winblows and it worked
>> fine in 44kHz, i got this laptop for a year now and nobody seems to
>> have the answer;not being able to get 44kHz really stinks :)
> I have a Toshiba 310CDS which has an OPL3SAx sound card built in.
> In /etc/modutils/options I have
> options opl3sa2 io=0x370 mss_io=0x530 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0
> options opl3 io=0x388
> And in /etc/modules I have
> opl3sa2
> lsmod shows the following sound modules in use
> opl3sa2                 3944   0
> ad1848                 16496   0 [opl3sa2]
> mpu401                 18992   0 [opl3sa2]
> sound                  58060   0 [opl3sa2 ad1848 mpu401]
> soundcore               2564   6 [sound]
> I can play MP3 files with mpg123 just fine.
> Hamish

Best Regards :)

Rune Linding Raun
Graduate student,B.Sc. 
University of Copenhagen		cellphone:	+45 2625 6801
Institute of Molecular Biology		pager:		+45 5020 8680
Department of Biological Chemistry	phone(lab):	+45 3532 2024
Sølvgade 83H Copenhagen			fax(lab):	+45 3532 2040
					email:		linding@bigfoot.com
					sms:		26256801@sms.mobilix.dk
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